FAN Celebrates Two Featured in Women of Title Spotlight

A grassroots organization has emerged in the past year across the title industry. Over the past few months, it’s begun to step into the spotlight, and, with it, a remarkable group of industry leaders. Women of Title celebrates and empowers the amazing women throughout our industry by exploring inspiring stories, offering career tips and sharing industry insights to support and uplift women in the title insurance space.

So it’s no surprise, but well worth celebrating, Women of Title’s recent recognition of not one but two of FAN’s own, who were recently featured in Women of Title’s Feature Spotlight!

FAN-Celebrates-Image-Andrea-SomersFirst up is Andrea Somers, NTS’s Operations Manager and the unstoppable force driving our NTS brand. If you’ve been to a title conference, you’ve likely met Andrea and/or seen her on the stage, sharing her leadership. Like so many others, Andrea didn’t choose the title industry. Instead, it chose her: “Like many of us, I fell into title by happenstance and found a deep passion for it. I always like to say title insurance found me.” Starting in an entry-level role, Andrea quickly immersed herself in learning every aspect of the business during a particularly busy period in the industry. She rose through the ranks quickly, and today is one of FAN’s and NTS’ most recognizable faces and trusted names. “I can honestly say, I am home!” she says with pride.

FAN-Celebrates-Image-Amy-Gregory Next up for the Women of Title spotlight is FAN Chief Administrative Officer and President of Title Operations, Amy Gregory. A lifelong Florida native, Amy’s journey into the world of title started in high school, when she took a part time role as a receptionist at a local agency. From there, Amy’s career in title only skyrocketed: “I remember walking into that office for my interview, nervous but excited. They were looking for a senior, but somehow, they saw potential in me. That job changed the trajectory of my life."

While Amy is a big part of keeping the dynamic FAN operation on time and on the tracks, she also makes time for leadership and mentorship. Anyone who knows her knows she highly values investment in the development of others. She credits a number of industry professionals who did the same for her: “These women didn’t just teach me about title insurance; they taught me about balance, resilience, and how to lead with grace.”

FAN wouldn’t be the success story it is today, or the valuable resource we strive to be for partners and clients every day, without the leadership and hard work put forth by our amazing teammates. Amy and Andrea are two shining examples of that principle, and we congratulate them on this well-deserved recognition.



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